Mountain Buggy Nano Duo

Availability: Coming soon!

go easy with two
An incredibly lightweight side-by-side double stroller that delivers the perfect solution for city dwelling parents, where storage is at a premium and pushing two children needs to be effortless.

life on the go
Featuring an ultra compact fold, extra large roomy seats, adjustable leg rests and full coverage sun canopies, nano duo™ offers a true Mountain Buggy experience for parents on the go, living life without limit with two.

easy two-step compact fold
With the press of two buttons, nano duo drops down into a compact stand fold in an instant. It also features an additional carry handle and shoulder strap, making it perfect for those quick errands around town, manoeuvring on public transport and ideal for tight storage spaces.


ultra lightweight
ultra compact fold
full sized seats
car seat compatible

smooth performance
nano duo™ is cleverly engineered with perfect weight distribution, allowing you to easily ‘pop’ the front wheel up kerbs and obstacles. Featuring built-in rear wheel suspension and swivel or lock front wheel functionality, this lightweight side-by-side is a breeze to push with one hand.

newborn comfort for one or two
nano duo features a full lie flat solution when paired with the additional, lightweight, Mountain Buggy cocoon*.

cocoon is a soft shelled, newborn carrycot, designed with your babies comfort in mind. Featuring a protective zip lid to shield your baby from the elements, detachable sunhood and carry handles, you can easily transport your baby in and out of the stroller without disturbing their rest; the perfect accessory for traveling with your baby.

car seat compatible
convert your nano duo into a newborn ready travel system solution for one, using the additional car seat adaptor accessory with the Mountain Buggy protect infant car seat - an ultra safe and light car seat with base installation options.

Alternatively, the nano duo car seat adaptor is designed to accommodate most leading car seat brands so that you can go easy with your newborn baby in their car seat and nano duo.



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